254 civil servants of UIN Jakarta receives the Satyalancana Karya Satya

254 civil servants of UIN Jakarta receives the Satyalancana Karya Satya

NICT, UIN News Online – As many as 254 civil servants of UIN Jakarta receives the Satyalancana Karya Satya from the Republic of Indonesia President Joko Widodo. The ceremony was carried out symbolically to six civil servants by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis at the 75th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the National Information and Communication Technology (NICT) building in Pisangan, Ciputat, and Monday (08/17/2020).

The award ceremony, which was also carried out virtually through the Zoom and Youtube channels, was attended by the Chair of University Senate Abuddin Nata, Vice Rectors, deans, bureau chiefs, and several officials of UIN Jakarta. The six civil servants who received the award symbolically were Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim (associate professor at the Adab and Humanities Faculty, 30 years of service), Ernina Ardi (Staff of Pustipada UIN Jakarta, 30 years of service), Elviza Fauzia (Sub-division head of administration LPM UIN Jakarta, 20 years of service), Amrullah Hasbana (The head of Central library, 20 years of service), Yenny Arini Amilia (Staff at the Social and Political Sciences Faculty, 10 years of service), and Ajo Zakaria (Staff at the Graduate School of UIN Jakarta, 10 years of service).

The bureau chief of public administration and civil service Kastolan in his report stated that in 2020, the number of Satyalencana Karya Satya awardees was greater than last year, which only consisted of 175 people. Thus, out of a total of 1,448 civil servants educators and educational staff at UIN Jakarta, 948 civil servants have received awards and and 500 civil servants are waiting for their turn.

This year’s Saytalancana Karya Satya awardees comprised of 22 people who have worked as civil servants for 30 years, 84 who have been civil servants for 20 years and 148 who have held such roles for 10 years.

Kastolan hopes that in the future the number of civil servants will receive more awards according to their respective service periods. “The award (Satyalencana Karya Satya) is the right of every civil servant who has dedicated him/herself to the country,” he said.

Of the 254 civil servants who received the award, the 30-year Saytalancana Karya Satya was awarded to Azyumardi Azra (Professor of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities), Bahrul Hayat (Professor of the Faculty of Psychology), and Zahratun Nihayah (Dean of the Faculty of Psychology). The 20-year Saytalancana Karya Satya to  Syairozi Dimyati (Dean of the Dirasat Islamiyah Faculty), Sururin (Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training), Hamka Hasan (Deputy Director of the Graduate School), and Imam Subhi (Head of the Research and Publishing Center). While the 10-year Saytalancana Karya Satya  to was awarded to Imam Sujoko (Secretary of the Postgraduate School Masters Program), Hasnul Insani Djohar (Head of English Literature Department, FAH UIN Jakarta), Kholis Ridho (Head of English Journalism Department, FIDK UIN Jakarta), and Asep Ediana Latip (Head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Department, FITK UIN Jakarta).

For information, the Satya Lencana Karya Satya is awarded to distinguished civil servant for years of loyal and faithful service of dedication. The medal is awarded in 3 classes: 10 years of service, 20 years of service, and 30 years of service. (ns/usa)