203 Students Receive Tuition Assistance Bidikmisi

203 Students Receive Tuition Assistance Bidikmisi

Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online – 203 students of UIN Jakarta are receiving educational assistance from the Ministry of Religious Affairs Biaya Pendidikan Mahasiswa Miskin Berprestasi (Bisikmisi) fiscal year 2018. In press release of Student Affairs Section on Monday (11/5/2018), explain that the recipients of Bidikmisi come from several faculties and departments received by five enrollment types of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as well as single tuition recipients on the group 1-3.

On enrollment type National Recruitment, the recipients of Bidikmisi as many as 42 people. On enrollment type Performance-based Recruitment, the recipients of Bidikmisi as many as 61 people. On enrollment type Inter-universities Recruitment, there are 20 people recipients of Bidikmisi. On enrollment type Inter-Islamic Universities Recruitment, the number of recipients as many as 30 people. And on enrollment type Local Recruitment, the number of recipients as many as 50 people.

The amount of education assistance that was given to each recipient was 6.6 million rupiahs per semester. That assistance included tuition fees per semester, living cost, and dormitories.

Meanwhile, The Chief of Sub Division of Student Affairs, Mr. R Trisno Riyadhi said that the recipients of Bidikmisi were first semester students. They have gone through the rigorous selection process that included file selection, psychological test, and interview.

“To go through the selection, the recipients assistance should have academic achievements that was showed by minimum grade point 3 since first semester. If less than it, the education assistance will be stopped or revoked,” he said. (usa)