KSR UIN Jakarta Organized Health Festival

KSR UIN Jakarta Organized Health Festival

Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online The Student Activity Unit (UKM) Volunteer Corps (KSR) UIN Jakarta will hold the 2017 Blood Health and Donor Festival (FKD). The theme of SOFT (Save Our Future) will be held for three days, starting Tuesday-Thursday (19- 21/09), held at the Student Center Hall (SC) UIN Jakarta.

The events held for three days not only consist of Blood donation and health festivals, but on the third day, will be filled with health seminar themed Complete Session of Cervical and Breast Cancer for the Brighter Future. The seminar which started at 08.00-17.00 WIB, will featured dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, Sp.OG.MARS, dr. Rebecca (Indonesian Cancer Foundation), and moderated by dr. Dwi Tyastuti MPH PhD.

The health festival will also feature several medical examination services of for  components in our body, such as examination of fat (registration: five thousand rupiah), Bone (five thousand rupiah), Blood Type (eight thousand rupiah), skin (ten thousand rupiah) Iridology (fifteen thousand rupiah), Uric Acid (fifteen thousand rupiah), Blood Sugar (fifteen thousand rupiah), Cholesterol (twenty thousand rupiah), Cupping (fifty five thousand rupiah), Optical (free), IMT ( free), and Tensi (free), there are also package prices besides indivisual examination.

Health services that begin at. 08.00-17.00 WIB, in cooperation with several agencies, including Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) Tangerang City, Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) South Tangerang, and Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) Bogor Regency. In addition, the event also cooperates with Herbal Life, Optics Syahid RS UIN, Association of Indonesian Herb Medicine (ASPETRI), Fonterra Brains Indonesia Anlene, and Jalan Amal and Health and Happiness.

For information, to be able to attend the seminar, participants must pay the administration of forty five thousand rupiah. With the registration fee, participants will get some facilities, including lunch, certificates, and souvenirs.

In addition, it is expected to register as a participant by texting (Name_Instances_FKD SK_Phone Number ). The registration form can be sent to the committee number, 08778920 3344 (Nabila) and 081283984951 (Bayed). Or can directly contact PR KSR PMI UIN Jakarta at number 08567279817. (usa-rs)