2017, UIN Jakarta to Add More Lecture Rooms

2017, UIN Jakarta to Add More Lecture Rooms

Rectorate Building, UIN NEWS Online— UIN Jakarta to build new buildings after recently finished with Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) building in Tarumanegara Street. This is possible once UIN Jakarta received funding commitments derived from Sharia Securities (SBSN) in 2017 up to Rp 47 billion.

That was conveyed by Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA when he officiates FAH new building, this week. According to him, the construction of the new building is expected to begin and can be used in 2017 new student admission. “it is located in campus 2 area”, he explained.

With that big of fund, UIN Jakarta targeting “of course we’ll adjust the area so the capacity will be bigger and that will increase better comfortableness,” he added.

In some occasions, the rector said, the expansion of the classroom becomes an obligatory. Because of the number of prospective students who enrolled to UIN Jakarta has reached beyond the range of 110-120 thousand people in two years. "While the maximum capacity of only 5500-6000 new students," he said again.

Related to the financing, the rector explained, UIN Jakarta along with Universities under Ministry of Islamic Religious Affairs received funding commitments derived from SBSN. SBSN itself is a hajj savings deposited in Bank Indonesia.

The use of SBSN as a source of financing, said the rector, appears when Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M.Sc was still the General Director of Hajj and Pilgrimage of Ministry of Religious Affairs. "He discussed how the fund of the pilgrimage stored in the form SBSN around Rp 112 trillion can be used as a source for financing the development of Islamic university," he explained

The realization is, through SBSN financing schemes, UIN Jakarta during 2016 managed to build a new building that will be used by FAH worth Rp 40 billion. With these funds, FAH buildings were built as high as five floors with a total of 72 rooms of which 40 local rooms of which is designated as lecture room. (rs)