2017 Community Service Award

2017 Community Service Award

Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online– As a form of appreciation for activists and devotees to the community of lecturers, students, and alumni, the Center for Community Service (PPM) of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Jakarta will provide a Community Service Award for those who are considered consistently contributing and benefits in five social areas of society.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of PPM Djaka Badranaya SAg ME on Thursday (12/10/17) in his office Rectorate Building 3rd floor. Djaka detail, the five areas include Social Religious, Social Humanity, Environment, Education and Culture, and Economic Community.

"Please for any UIN Jakarta academic community who become activists and social devotees can register themselves with the requirements listed in the posters that we have released today," said Djaka.

In the poster, listed five requirements that must be met, that the award recipient must meet one of the five areas specified, each candidate award can register or registered the supporters / recomenders, applicants fill out the form at https://goo.gl / KZhHeh.

Furthermore, the applicant sends a portfolio summary, copy of ID card or Student ID (for students) and certificate / support from community of beneficiary program beneficiaries who have been awarded to PPM email with subject of PMA (space) name of the receiving candidate.

For the length of the portfolio between 2-3 pages, Times New Roman font, size 12, A4 paper size with right 4 cm flat, left 3 cm flat, flat top 4 cm, bottom 3 cm with 1.5 space, included program documentation.

Registration opens on October 10, deadline of registration and the start of screening period is on 15th November, and the final judging will be held on November 16th. For more information, call 021-7401925 ext. 1815, SMS Center PPM: 0858-1471-4858, email: ppm@uinjkt.ac.id, explained Djaka.

There are several names mentioned as the judges such as, Prof. Dr. Arskal Salim MA PhD (Chairman of LP2M), Kurniawan Zurkarnaen (Environmental Activist), and Dr Tantan Hermansyah (PPM Team UIN Jakarta).

“The awards ceremony will be held on November 24, 2017,” he added. (usa)