19th Anniversary of FK UIN Jakarta Aims for Global Reputation with an Islamic Perspective

19th Anniversary of FK UIN Jakarta Aims for Global Reputation with an Islamic Perspective

Auditorium Prof. M.K. Tadjudin, UIN News Online - The Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta celebrated its 19th anniversary on Friday (31/5/2024). The theme was "Striving towards a Medical Faculty with a Global Reputation, which promotes Rigorous Scientific Practices, from an Islamic and Indonesian Perspective," attended by FK students, faculty members, the deanery, university officials, and invited guests.

The event began with the reception of guests, featuring a Hadroh performance and a choir from FK UIN Jakarta. The opening included a Quran recitation, a welcome video, speeches, symbolic cutting of the tumpeng, and various performances.

Notable attendees included UIN Jakarta's Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi, S.Ag., S.H., M.H., M.A., Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A., Ph.D., and Rector of the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) Prof. Jamhari, Ph.D.

Dr. Dhimas, representing the Association of Muslim Doctors Alumni UIN (IDOMAIN), stated that the anniversary marks a collective achievement of FK UIN Jakarta’s alumni community. Graduates have made significant contributions in various specialties, research, public health, and medical education.

“Let’s uphold the values of integrity, empathy, excellence, Indonesian identity, and Islamic principles in our profession,” he said.

Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., mentioned ongoing collaborative visits, particularly in the medical field. He emphasized that FK UIN Jakarta should distinguish itself from other universities.

“The hope is that FK UIN Jakarta can serve the community, truly making its mark in Indonesia and globally,” he expressed.

Dean Dr. Achmad Zaki, M. Epid, Sp.OT highlighted the successful series of events, including the selection of outstanding students, a public webinar on Hajj health preparations, a sports week for staff and students, the launch of a day care, and medical check-ups for FK UIN Jakarta’s community.

“We hope this anniversary becomes an annual tradition for FK UIN Jakarta. It is important for alumni to feel proud, a sense of belonging, and return to their alma mater,” he stated.

The event celebrated outstanding students (Mapres) of 2024 with a scientific writing competition. First place went to Valiant Zahirul Azmi from the 2021 cohort, second place to Regita Galuh Parvati from the 2022 cohort, and third place to Muhammad Subhaan Ambardhani from the 2021 cohort.

The anniversary continued with the launch of the Student Foster Parent Program (POTA) FK UIN Jakarta. The POTA award was handed over by Prof. Amelia Fauzia, Ph.D., representing STF UIN Jakarta, to Dean Dr. Achmad Zaki, M. Epid, Sp.OT. The event concluded with a joint prayer and a communal meal.

You can watch the celebration of FK UIN Jakarta's 19th Anniversary through the link below:


(M. Naufal Waliyyuddin/Fauziah M./Raihan Lail/Faadhila Idris)

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