170 Outstanding Students Receive 2020 SAA Awards

170 Outstanding Students Receive 2020 SAA Awards

Rectorate, UIN News Online – A total of 170 UIN Jakarta students received the 2020 Student Achievement Award (SAA) for their achievements in non-academic fields. They excel in various fields, both at the national and international levels, individually and in groups.

The Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, on Friday (10/02/2020), expressed her deep appreciation for the achievements of the students. She hopes that student achievement in non-academic fields will continue to be improved in addition to achievements in the academic field.

The Rector also added that students had to make many achievements in various scientific fields and skills. Because, it will provide positive values after they graduate from UIN Jakarta.

“Higher education is a bridge for students to achieve success in the future,” said Rector Amany.

Meanwhile, ViceRector for Student Affairs of UIN Jakarta Masri Mansoer said the SAA award in the field of non-academic achievement this year was given symbolically to five students. They represent various field categories and levels of achievement areas.

SAA awards in the field of non-academic achievement are given annually to students. The award was given as a form of appreciation from UIN Jakarta to students who have contributed to the development and progress of UIN Jakarta.

“I hope that students who have accomplished their current achievements can inspire other students,” said Masri.

The five students who received the award symbolically were Abdullah Hanif (student of the Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business) as the author of the novel, Burhanuddin Raisfirmansyah (student of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business) as the winner of international pencak silat champion, Sellie Damayanti (student program Nursing Study Faculty of Health Sciences) as the winner of an international delegation at the World Health Organization (WHO) forum, Huzaifah (student of the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education) as an international volunteer in education in Chengdu, China, and Luthfiya Ramadhania (student Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences) as the winner of tahfiz al-Qur'an 30 juz.

Also present in the event, Head of the Bureau of Academic Administration, Student Affairs, and Cooperation (BAAKK) Jaenuddin, Head of Student Affairs and Alumni M Ikhwan, and Head of Sub Division of Student Talent Development Arief Aryanto Aryadi. (usa/ns)