15 New PTTs will be placed in PPG Bojongsari
Bojongsari, UIN News Online – A total of 15 Non-Permanent Employees (PTT) from 41 PTTs who have just been received at UIN Jakarta are placed in the FITK PPG Building located in Bojongsari Depok, Thursday (08/01/2019). Before being placed in Bojongsari, they are required to sign the Integrity Pact in the Mahmud Yunus Theater Room, FITK Building, campus I of UIN Jakarta.
In the Integrity Pact, the six points of readiness include the readiness to achieve performance targets that have been directed by the leadership, increasing competence, skills, and carefulness and prudence in carrying out their tasks.
"If the matters stated in the Integrity Pact are violated, they are ready to accept the consequences in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations," said Vice Rector for General Administration Ahmad Rodoni in his remarks .
The 15 PTTs consist of eight Pramubakti, namely Ahmad Wahyudi, Amirul Rafli Pratama, Anaverta Ade Saputra, Fajar Nuriman, Ferdiansyah Virizky, Imam Hendarto Maulana, Mulyadi, and Robi Cahyadi, one Pramusaji, namely Budiman Trika Saprila, and five security guards, namely five of the security guards, namely Hendadi Maulana, Mulyadi, and Robi Cahyadi, one Pramusaji, namely Budiman Trika Saprila, and five security guards. Malik Sanggara, Bisma Faiz Nasrullah, Idris, Robi Nur Hidayat, Rudi Sanjaya, and Sabili Muktadin.
After the Integrity Pact was signed, they were immediately escorted to the PPG Bojongsari Building in Depok by the Head of Administration of FITK Imam Thobroni to inspect the location.
"Thank God, after a few months, our proposal was finally realized and we immediately prepared, because PPG Bojongsari needed a lot of manpower," said Imam.
n the proposal that had been submitted, continued Imam, based on a meeting with community leaders around Bojongsari conducted a few months ago, in the recruitment of employees, they requested that Bojongsari residents to be prioritized.
Alhamdulillah, there are three Bojongsari residents who live around the PPG Building who are accepted as PTT, namely Mulyadi, Sabili, and Agam,” he said.
He also added, in addition to the arrival of a new PTT, PPG Building also received additional new facilities and infrastructure. (usa/mf)