102 Nursing science students took the practical nurse pledge

102 Nursing science students took the practical nurse pledge

Fikes, UIN News Online – 102 students of the Nursing Science department of the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) UIN Jakarta took the practical nurse pledge on Wednesday, (12/08/2021) at Fikes’s theater room, campus II of UIN Jakarta.

Nursing Science department head Yenita Agus in her report said that the 15th practical nurse pledge was carried out in a blended manner, 26 students took part offline and the rest through zoom application and attended by third semester students who would take part in pre-clinical nursing practice in hospitals according to the 2015 curriculum.

“The practice was carried out for eight days, from 14 to 22 December 2021. A total of 45 students will carry out practical activities at RSUD Tangsel and the rest at Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta,” she said.

She added, students must pay attention to ethics and patient safety in the implementation of this pre-clinical care.

Meanwhile, Dean of Fikes UIN Jakarta Zilhadia in her speech  hoped that the implementation of this pre-clinical care practice could be carried out as well as possible to maintain the good name of this almamater.

“I don't want to hear any complaints from the hospital, but what I want to hear is good praise for cooperative performance and providing the best service to the patients,” she said.

Zilhadia also hopes that students can apply the theory they have learned during study time in a sustainable manner.

“Nurses are a noble profession because they have a significant role and are closest to patients, so have fun practicing and digging as much knowledge as possible,” said Zilhadia. (usa/mf)