1.694 Participants Passed the UMPTKIN UIN Jakarta Selection Test
Rectorate Building, UIN NEWS Online – Result announcement of the selection of new admissions of the entrance examination of Islamic State Islamic University (UMPTKIN) opened on Tuesday (07/10/2010). UIN Jakarta received 1,694 participants from 20,091 applicants across Indonesia.
UMPTKIN result announcement is done by national committee center through internet. Of the approximately 150 thousand national selection participants in this pathway, participants received about 45,000 people or nearly equal to the total quota with 1,155 courses of study (religious studies) offered.
UMPTKIN Selection was held on May 22, 2018 simultaneously throughout Indonesia. UMPTKIN was followed by 57 PTKIN (UIN / IAIN / STAIN) under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
On the UMPTKIN line, UIN Jakarta itself offers at least 30 courses spread across six faculties. Most of the participants were received at Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Program of Faculty of Dakwah Science and Communication Science as many as 183 people, Arabic Language and Literature Study Program Faculty of Adab and Humanities (131 people), and Prodi Ilmu Al-Qur'an and Tafsir (109 people).
Head of Administration Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs and Cooperation Zaenal Arifin congratulated the participants who passes the UMPTKIN. While that has not been passed, he asks to be patient and keep the spirit of learning.
"We also apologize and understand, given the acceptance quota in the path (UMPTKIN) is limited, not all applicants can be accepted in UIN Jakarta," he said.
Zaenal said, for those who pass the selection, participants are required to immediately re-register by first following the process of filling a single tuition (UKT) according to the schedule and stages. Re-registration through the UKT process can be done through two options, namely A for those who do not participate in the UKT process and option B for those who follow the UKT process.
"If you choose option A, the participant will directly pay at the bank according to the nominal amount in group 7. But for those who choose option B, participants must fill in the data, such as parent's income and other required documents," he explained.
According to schedule, process UKT in the driveway UMPTKIN begins with data input process from 11 to 16 July 2018. The results of the input process will then be announced on July 18, 2018 to be known in the group how many participants have to pay UKT. After that the participants must follow the process of clarification and verification of data on 19-20 July 2018. If the process is completed, participants then continue to re-register by paying UKT according to the nominal amount listed in the group. This UKT payment can be made from 11-25 July 2018. (usa-rs)