UIN Jakarta owns the the Covid-19 Integrated Molecular Services Laboratory

UIN Jakarta owns the the Covid-19 Integrated Molecular Services Laboratory

Ciputat, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta owns an integrated laboratory to serve the Covid-19 molecular examination. The laboratory, which is located in the Faculty of Medicine (FK) also serves as a Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) examination network in the Banten Province region.

The Covid-19 integrated laboratory was inaugurated by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis on Wednesday (06/03/2020). The inauguration was marked by ribbon cutting ceremony.

Present at the inauguration ceremony, Chairman of the Covid-19 Task Force who is also Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Hari Hendarto, Dean of the Faculty of Health Zilhadia, Director of the Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Amir Fauzi, Acting Director of the Jakarta Haji Hospital Andi Wahyuningsih Attas, Head of the Banten Provincial Health Office Ati Pramudji Hastuti, Head of the Covid-19 Integrated Molecular Services Laboratory Erike Anggraini, and representatives from the Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Banten Province.

Amany Lubis in her remarks expect that the laboratory can be used maximally for the benefit of humanity. “We are all certainly concerned about this Covid-19 outbreak. Furthermore, let us pray together so that the Covid-19 outbreak can soon disappear from the earth,” said Rector

Meanwhile, the Head of Covid-19 task force of UIN Jakarta Hari Hendarto said that the Covid-19 Integrated Laboratory is an effort made by UIN Jakarta to assist the government in carrying out molecular examinations. In addition, according to Hari, the integrated laboratory also has the ability to apply biosafety and biosecurity in the inspection process so it is safe for the surrounding environment.

“The FK UIN Jakarta team has also been trained by the Litbangkes, Indonesian Ministry of Health Alhamdulillah, the laboratory is now one of the Covid-19 PCR examination network laboratories in Banten Province according to license number SR.01.07 / I / 1911/2020,” said Hari.

Hari further explained, the Integrated Laboratory received 1,200 PCR reagent assistance in the first stage, and 2000 reagent kits for the second stage. These reagents will be used to examine the Covid-19 suspected patients in the Banten region.

The integrated laboratory, said Hari, has a level 2 biosafety standards s which has the ability to extract genetic material from SARS CoV-2 virus safely. BSL 2 is located in the microbiology laboratory Building C, 2nd floor of the FK UIN Jakarta, while the PCR running is carried out in a research laboratory with the same safety standards.

“With the inauguration of the Integrated Laboratory of FK, UIN Jakarta is expected to contribute in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic,” Hari concluded. (usa/ns)