PIAUD hold workshop on digital literacy utilization

PIAUD hold workshop on digital literacy utilization

Bojongsari, UIN News Online – Early childhood teachers education study program, Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Sciences Faculty (FITK) UIN Jakarta holds workshop on digital literacy utilization for PIAUD lecturers, Thursday (02/06/2020) at PPG Building, Bojongsari, Depok by inviting Dzikri Rahmat Romadhon (physics education lecturer) as a speaker.

Dzikri in his presentation explained about the use of Google Classroom and other digital media in Revolution Era 4.0.

“Google Classroom is an easy way to help students with this transition because it is very user-friendly, making it a great introduction to digital technology. In addition, both teachers and students won’t have excessive amounts of paper to shuffle since the classroom is completely paperless,” he said.

On the same occasion, PIAUD UIN Jakarta department head Siti Khodijah conveyed the lecturers enthusiasm in participating in the activity.

“The participants felt very enthusiastic to deepen their digital literacy in lectures, this is in accordance with the spirit in facing the Industrial Era 4.0,” she said.

In line with Khodijah, one of participant Yayah Nurmaliah said, besides getting new knowledge for 21st Century learning, the workshop will also strengthen the sillaturahim between lecturers. (usa/bj)