ForwardTogether: The International Conference on Science and Engineering for Humanity

ForwardTogether: The International Conference on Science and Engineering for Humanity

Call for Papers

ForwardTogether: The International Conference on Science and Engineering for Humanity

_Theme: “Innovation for Inclusion: Engineering and Science as Catalysts for Social Change”_*

Publication: Accepted papers will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings, indexed by Scopus and Web of Science.

Key Dates:
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024
- Editorial Check: October 10, 2024
- Peer Review: September 30 – October 20, 2024
- Submission of Revised Papers: October 25, 2024
- Payment Session/Participant Registration: October 25 – November 15, 2024
- Conference Dates: December 4-5, 2024

Conference Scope:
- Applied Physics
- Physics in Computational Algorithms
- Innovations in Physics Education
- ICT in Physics Education
- STEM Education
- Digital-Based Innovations in Science and Mathematics Education
- Mathematical Physics
- Applied Mathematics
- Statistical Mathematics
- Mathematics in Computational Algorithms
- Ethnomathematics
- - Innovations in Mathematics Education
- ICT in Mathematics Education

Paper Template:
Paper Submission:

Contact Us: 

Mr. Dzikri Rahmat Romadhon, M.PFis. ( 
Ms. Evi Muliyah, M.Si. (

Best regards,
The Editorial Team
The Center for the Study of Religion, Environment & Climate Change at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta & Luhur Alam Sejati Foundation