FITK UIN Jakarta will organize the FITK’s alumni gathering 2020

FITK UIN Jakarta will organize the FITK’s alumni gathering 2020

FITK, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences of UIN Jakarta will organize the FITK’s alumni gathering 2020 which coincides with the National Education Day on Saturday, May 2, 2020.

That was one of the results of the FITK Leadership meeting with the Tarbiyah Alumni (Altar) UIN on Wednesday (1/15/2020) in the 2nd Floor FITK Meeting Room. Present in the event, the Chairman of the Altar Nanang Qosim Yusuf, General Secretary of the Altar Siti Nurjanah, Research and Study Division Ferdinal Lafendri and Pusparini, Human Resources Development and Institutional Cooperation Division Ikhwanuddin Syarif MSi, and Erfi Fitri Susari.

Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin in her speech informed the three major FITK programs that are being prepared in 2020 and require various support from the FITK alumni.

“This year, FITK is preparing to open three new study programs, namely Pre-service PPG Study Program, PAI S3 Study Program and PBA S3 Study Program. Therefore, it is expected that the alumni can help us in spreading this information to the public,” said Sururin.

 Moreover, she continued, to complete the facilities at PPG building in Bojongsari, FITK will build a mosque, student dormitory, and sports facilities.

“If we can empower the alumni, the realization of this development will be faster,” she added.

At the hearing session, the Altar board conveyed the importance of consolidating alumni with the FITK leadership, strengthening the alumni database, and programs mapping that could be help in covering the FITK program.

In response, Sururin gave an opportunity for the alumni management to organize an alumni meeting forum in the 2020 national seminar. “We give a stage for the alumni as speakers in the event, and we also make this event as a gathering place for FITK alumni,” said Sururin.

After the hearing, Erfi and Ferdinal were appointed to be responsible for the national seminar and FITK alumni gathering in May.

In addition, the name Altar which has been used for naming Tarbiyah Alumni has been agreed to be replaced by Ikaluin (UIN Alumni Association) of FITK and a special room will be prepared as a secretariat office in PPG Building in Bojongsari Depok. As a first step, FITK provides a special data collection form for all alumni on

“Please share the page so that it can be filled by the alumni of FITK UIN Jakarta,” she concludes. (usa/mf/lrf)