FIKES students assist the Covid-19 handling in four regions

FIKES students assist the Covid-19 handling in four regions

Rectorate, UIN News Online – 21 students from the Faculty of Health science (Fikes) UIN Jakarta were dispatched to several region to assist the covid-19 handling. They come from Nursing Science Study Program and Nursing Profession Program.

This was said by the Dean of Fikes UIN Jakarta Zilhadia to UIN News Online through WhtasApp messenger, Thursday (04/09/2020). “This assistance is a form of participation of Fikes UIN Jakarta who are concerned about the Coronavirus outbreak,” she said.

According to Zilhadia, According to Zilhadia, there are four areas targeted by volunteers. The four regions are Blitar City (East Java), Cirebon City (West Java), Bekasi District (West Java), and South Tangerang City (Banten).

She also added that He also added that this program was carried out in collaboration with various parties. Among them are the Blitar city Nahdlatul Ulama (PB NU) task force, Cirebon City Paseleman Health Center, the Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI) for Bekasi, and the Indonesian National Nurses Association (DPP PPNI) for South Tangerang City. “They will be in charge until May 3 and will be extended if needed,” said Zilhadia. (usa/ns)