Covid-19 pandemic, PPM UIN Jakarta holds KKN From Home

Covid-19 pandemic, PPM UIN Jakarta holds KKN From Home

Rectorate, UIN News Online – During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Center for Community Service of UIN Jakarta did not hold the Regular Community Service (KKN). As a replacement to its regular KKN program, PPM innovate a new model of KKN program, namely KKN From Home (KKN-DR).

“KKN-DR is a response to the corona outbreak. Therefore PPM UIN Jakarta has made innovations so the students can carry out KKN program with different formats and models,” said the Head of PPM UIN Jakarta Kamarusdiana to UIN News Online, Tuesday (07/14/2020).

According to Kamarusdiana, the policy of KKN-DR implementation will be carried out by using two guidelines, namely Circular Letter from the Directorate General of Islamic Education, the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs No. 697/03/2020 on Research, Scientific Publications, and Community Service, and the Rector of UIN Jakarta circular letter No. B.1116 / R / HK.00.7 / 04/2020 concerning the Implementation of the KKN program during Covid-19 Pandemic.

As scheduled, the KKN-DR will be held on July 1-August 31, 2020. The KKN will be attended by 4,100 students from nine faculties and will involve at least 210 supervisors. Technically, the KKN-DR is carried out individually in each participant's residence. They will serve the community according to the predetermined stages of activities.

Kamarusdiana explained the implementation of KKN-DR during the Covid-19 pandemic will focused on three things, namely the field of research, the field of problem solving, and the field of service.

In the field of research, the participants will write scientific works based on the research result, and write various opinion articles. In the area of problem solving, participants are asked to solve various social problems faced by the community, either through ideas or direct participation, by utilizing information technology (online) or face to face by applying strict health protocols. Then in the field of community service, participants can carry out concrete activities by assisting local government programs and various other social and religious organizations.

“During the activity, participants can become trainers, mentors or instructors,” said Kamarusdiana

Meanwhile, KKN-DR participants can choose a number of main issues that can be the focus of activities. The first issue is about efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19, for example in the form of health education and social problems based on individuals, families and communities. The second issue, participants can empower the community to overcome the impact of Covid-19.

The third issue is to provide learning assistance both in the form of distance learning and independent learning for affected children. While the fourth issue is by handling social religious issue, such as strengthening the da’wah field

“During the implementation of this program, participants can work together with potential community groups, such as mejalis taklim, karang taruna (youth clubs), and traditional institutions,” he said. (usa/ns)