BPI holds webinar on the role of religious counselors in the Covid-19 pandemic

BPI holds webinar on the role of religious counselors in the Covid-19 pandemic

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Islamic guidance and counselling study program, Da’wa and communication science faculty (FIDK) of UIN Jakarta holds webinar entitled ‘Masalah Komunitas di Masa Bencana Nasional Covid-19: Optimalisasi Peran Penyuluh Agama’ on Wednesday (06/03/2020).

The webinar, which attended by religious counselors from various regions in Indonesia, both from was officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FIDK Siti Napsiyah.

Moderated by Muchtar Moch. Sholihin (lecturer at BPI Fidkom UIN Jakarta), this webinar also invited three expert speakers, they are Dicky C Pelupessy (lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia and Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Disaster Specialist Association), M Taufik Hidayatullah (functional religious counselor at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs), and Fauzun Jamal (lecturer at BPI Fidkom UIN Jakarta).

At least three topics were discussed in the webinar which lasted more than two hours. The first topic was discussed by Dicky Pelupessy with the title “Masalah Sosial, Psikologis, dan Spiritual Komunitas di Masa Bencana Nasional Covid-19”. The second topic was discussed by M Taufik Hidayatullah with the title "Solusi dan Strategi Kepenyuluhan Agama di Masa Bencana Nasional Covid-19". While the third topic was discussed by Fauzun Jamal with the title "Tinjauan al-Qur’an, Hadis, dan Sejarah Islam Terkait Pandemi dan Permasalahannya".

The three topics were held in a panel and discussion. Apart from the Zoom platform, the webinar is also broadcast live through Youtube. (usa/ns)