UPZ Awards 2024: STF UIN Jakarta Wins Four BAZNAS Central Awards

UPZ Awards 2024: STF UIN Jakarta Wins Four BAZNAS Central Awards

Jakarta, UIN News Online — The humanitarian organization Social Trust Fund (STF) of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has proudly achieved a significant milestone by winning four prestigious awards from the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Central. In response to these awards, STF UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta remains committed to continually improving the quality of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) management to ensure a broad and positive impact on the target communities.

The awards were received by Dr. Muhammad Zen, M.Ag, a representative of STF UIN Jakarta, during the UPZ (Zakat Management Unit) Awards ceremony and National Work Meeting of UPZ BAZNAS RI in Jakarta on Tuesday evening (September 3, 2024). STF UIN Jakarta was honored in four categories: a 5-Star Rating for Best ZIS Reporting, a 4-Star Rating for Best Planning, a 4-Star Rating for Best Distribution, and the UPZ Rising Stars category.

Responding to the awards, Director of STF UIN Jakarta, Prof. Amelia Fauzia, M.A., Ph.D., expressed her gratitude for the trust placed in STF UIN Jakarta by BAZNAS Central. She attributed the awards to the hard work and dedication of the entire STF team and volunteers.

These achievements were also made possible by the full support of the leadership and academic community of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. “We are deeply grateful for this achievement. This success is the result of effective collaboration and ongoing support from all parties involved, including the STF team, volunteers, and the leadership and academic community of UIN Jakarta,” she stated.

Prof. Amelia further emphasized that with these accomplishments, STF UIN Jakarta is committed to continually enhancing the quality of ZIS management, ensuring that it positively impacts the communities in need. The awards also serve as motivation for STF UIN Jakarta to continue innovating and contributing effectively in the field of social and humanitarian work.

“These awards motivate STF UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to continue delivering the best performance, maintaining public trust through accountable management and distribution of philanthropic funds to the right social groups,” she added.

STF UIN Jakarta is a non-structural body of UIN Jakarta that actively engages in humanitarian work by raising public donations to be redistributed through various empowerment programs and humanitarian aid. The organization manages philanthropic funds and redistributes them in various forms, such as scholarships, women's empowerment, support for micro-entrepreneurs, and other humanitarian actions. (Press Release by PIH LP2M UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)

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