UIN Jakarta Postgraduate EXPOSE Presents Baznas Scholarship Presentation for Human Resource Development

UIN Jakarta Postgraduate EXPOSE Presents Baznas Scholarship Presentation for Human Resource Development

Diorama Room, UIN News Online At the Postgraduate Expose event held in the Diorama Room on the ground floor of the Harun Nasution Auditorium of UIN Jakarta on 17/9/2024, the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) was present as one of the institutions that focuses on strengthening human resources through scholarship programs. 

The presentation was guided by the Head of the Education and Da'wah Program Division of Baznas, Farid Septian, who explained the purpose of the Baznas scholarship. According to Farid, Baznas' zakat empowerment is directed towards education development, especially to help the poor in Indonesia. 

“The goal is clear, which is to build the quality of human resources in Indonesia, especially for those in need,” Farid explained.

He also explained that Baznas is present as an institution that emphasizes the importance of improving the quality of education as the main step to advance the nation.

To date, Baznas has collaborated with 172 campuses throughout Indonesia, including UIN Jakarta. In addition, Baznas works with 113 partners spread across 27 provinces.

Interestingly, Baznas scholarships are not only limited to Indonesia. Farid also revealed that this scholarship program has established partnerships with other Muslim countries, such as Sudan, Palestine, and several countries in the Muslim world. Baznas hopes that this cooperation can expand the reach of zakat empowerment around the world, while building the quality of education at the global level.

UIN Jakarta Postgraduate Expose is a promotional and socialization activity for master and doctoral programs attended by various prospective students who are interested in master and doctoral programs at UIN Jakarta.

Watch the presentation of the Baznas scholarship in the following YouTube show:


(Aida Adha Siregar/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Aryo Dwi Penangsang)

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