UIN Jakarta International Conference: Building a Resilient Future through Education and Youth Empowerment

UIN Jakarta International Conference: Building a Resilient Future through Education and Youth Empowerment

UIN Jakarta, UIN News Online - Center for International Cooperation together with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Jakarta held an international conference on Innovative Interdisciplinary Science for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future with the theme “Toward resilient societies: the synergy of religion education, health, science, and technology.” The conference took place in 2 sessions on Thursday (12/9/2024) which were held online through the zoom meeting platform. 

In the first session, the conference discussed the topic “Building Resilient Societies - The Role of Education and Youth Empowerment.” Two inspiring speakers were presented in this session to share valuable insights on education and youth, they were Prof. Steven Krauss, PhD from the University of missouri and Prof. Haslinda Abdullah from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Prof. Steven Krauss, PhD, in his presentation, discussed various challenges faced by youth, including mental health issues, unemployment, and climate anxiety. According to Prof. Krauss, resilience needs to be built through adequate education, and he introduced the 4-H THRIVE model as an approach to support positive youth development.

According to him, the 4-H THRIVE model is not just a theory, but also a practical guide to help youth move from a phase of resilience to a more meaningful phase of progress. Through programs designed based on this model, youth can learn how to build their resilience, adapt to challenges, and ultimately reach their full potential.

Prof. Krauss also emphasized that youth should be seen as contributors to society, not a burden. He introduced the concept of Positive Youth Development (PYD) which aims to promote positive outcomes for youth through opportunities, relationships, and support in their self-development.

The next speaker, Prof. Haslinda Abdullah, discussed post-COVID-19 youth policies and strategies. She explained that the government has introduced various programs to support youth in facing the challenges posed by the pandemic. The main focus of the policy is on sustainability, social justice, and integration of youth perspectives in national planning.

In her presentation, Prof. Haslinda explained that the new programs are designed to support sustainable development, with special attention to environmental sustainability and social justice. One of the main objectives of this policy is to integrate the youth perspective into national planning.

Finally, Prof. Haslinda also highlighted the importance of improving youth mental health and well-being, encouraging innovation, and building relationships and collaboration among stakeholders. Monitoring and evaluation is an integral part of this policy, to ensure that the programs implemented can have a positive and sustainable impact.

Check out the live streaming recording via the following YouTube channel:


(Shely Nurloka/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi)

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