UIN Jakarta Freshmen: The UKM Village Opens Doors to Inspiration

UIN Jakarta Freshmen: The UKM Village Opens Doors to Inspiration

Front of Gd. UIN Jakarta Rectorate, UIN News Online - Excitement and enthusiasm flooded the front area of UIN Jakarta Rectorate Building during the UKM Village event. Amidst the hustle and bustle of activities, two new students shared their views on this annual event that serves as a gateway to the world of student affairs.

New student of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Management Study Program, Nur Syifa Khusnul Khatimah, could not hide her admiration. “This is a cool event and adds insight for me as a new student,” she said with sparkling eyes. Syifa felt that Kampung UKM had given her a broad picture of campus life outside the lecture hall.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Fikri from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, saw practical benefits from this event. “Students will be directed to choose what kind of UKM according to the activities and focus they want,” he explained. Fikri added his hope, “Hopefully UIN Jakarta can continue to be better in organizing this UKM Village event in the future.”

Both new students agree that Kampung UKM is not just another event. For them, it is a window to see the various self-development opportunities available on campus. Syifa was enthusiastic about visiting the various UKM stands, while Fikri was serious about recording information from each presentation.

“I didn't expect there to be so many UKM options at UIN Jakarta,” said Syifa. “From arts, sports, to scientific organizations, everything is here. It really opened my eyes to how vast the opportunities are on campus.”

Fikri adds, “What I liked was how each UKM presented their activities in an interesting way. It helped me understand what I would get if I joined them.”

Both said they were impressed by the performances put on by the various UKMs throughout the event. “Seeing the seniors perform with confidence made me want to join soon and hone my talent too,” said Syifa.

Fikri concluded, “This event really gave me a full picture of campus life. I feel more prepared to face my journey as a student after attending this UKM Village.”

Syifa and Fikri's enthusiasm reflects the effectiveness of Kampung UKM in introducing the world of student affairs to new students. With the positive views of the participants, this event seems to have succeeded in becoming a catalyst for the organizational spirit and self-development of UIN Jakarta students.

(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: )

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