UIN Jakarta and Karya Salemba Empat Organize the Planting of 4,000 Trees at 40 Locations Across the Archipelago

UIN Jakarta and Karya Salemba Empat Organize the Planting of 4,000 Trees at 40 Locations Across the Archipelago

40 Points in Indonesia – The UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Student Community and students from various universities who are members of the Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Foundation Scholarship Recipients group carried out an action to plant 4,000 trees in an activity entitled “Simultaneous Tree Planting Movement at 40 Points throughout Indonesia.” The action held in the series of “Togetherness 40 years FEUI alumni Class of 1984 (YAES 84)” is expected to strengthen the students' concern for the environment and its surroundings.

The official release of the committee obtained by UIN News Online, Wednesday (18/9/2024), states that the monumental action of planting 4000 trees is carried out in 40 points ranging from Aceh to Papua. Thousands of trees planted in the collaborative action between scholarship recipient students and the founders of Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) consist of various types of wood, fruit, mangrove, and ornamental trees spread throughout the archipelago.

The planting point was centered in Kampung Kepiting, Bali, on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Then simultaneously by broadcasting live through the Zoom application and Youtube, the planting action was carried out simultaneously at 39 other points in Indonesia. In Kampung Kepiting, FEUI 1984 alumni assisted by the KSE Scholarship Recipients Association of Udayana University (UNUD) together with local fishermen planted and nursed mangrove trees as well as released 400 grouper fish seeds as a form of marine environment conservation. 

Meanwhile, in South Tangerang, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students who are members of the KSE Scholarship Recipients Association worked together with the Gintung Dam management and the community to plant and nurture Tabebuya Trees. The tree planting was divided into 3 points, namely Situ Gintung Monument, Situ Center of Gintung Dam, and Gintung Dam Guard House. 

“The Tabebuya Tree Planting aims to reduce air pollution which is very high in South Tangerang City,” said Rahmah as the committee of the 1000 Tree Planting event organized by the KSE Association of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The implementation of the nationwide planting involves close cooperation with related agencies and various environmental care communities to ensure the smoothness and success of this activity.

The program aims to raise environmental awareness and provide students with practical experience, especially in communication and negotiation, through cooperation with the government in acquiring trees and determining sustainable planting locations. 

The collaboration of YAES 84, KSE, UIN Jakarta and related agencies, is expected to have a positive impact, both in increasing the number of trees in Indonesia and raising public awareness about the importance of nature conservation.

Photo Documentation:

4000 pohon (1)

4000 pohon (2)

(Rahmah Maula 'Azhimah/Zaenal Muttaqin/Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi)

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