UIN Jakarta: A Thousand Fiery Expressions at the UKM Village

UIN Jakarta: A Thousand Fiery Expressions at the UKM Village

Front of Gd. UIN Jakarta Rectorate, UIN News Online - The stretch of creativity and enthusiasm of students filled the front area of UIN Jakarta Rectorate Building on Saturday (21/9). Thousands of new students of batch 2024 crowded the location of the first annual event, “Kampung UKM: One Stage Thousand Expressions” held by the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Forum, as one of a series of Introduction to Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) 100 days UIN Jakarta.

The event, which is part of the PBAK series, features a variety of performances and exhibitions from 16 UKM and 3 Autonomous Organizations (LO) on campus. The visitors are spoiled with various activities ranging from expo booths, food bazaars, UKM performances, parades, to free health checks.

PBAK Deputy Coordinator, Uswatun Hasanah, in her speech emphasized the importance of UKM Village as a means for new students to get to know and develop themselves. “UKM is a very important forum in shaping the character of a student,” she said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Kampung UKM, M. Naufal, revealed that this event was the beginning of collaboration between UKM and PBAK. “We want new students to get to know UKM and LO in UIN Jakarta,” he explained.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A., Ph.D., in his speech highlighted the role of UKM as a forum for student self-development outside of academic interests. “It is expected that PBAK 2024 UIN Jakarta this year can be a field for new students to find their interests and talents through existing UKMs,” he explained.

The event was officially opened with the beating of marching band drums by the campus leadership and the committee. Throughout the day, visitors were treated to rotating performances from each UKM, interspersed with inspiring speeches from several alumni.

Head of UKM Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK), Adi Zulfa Fauzi, emphasized the urgency of this event. “Kampung UKM helps new students know the UKM and LOs they can join, as well as understand their own interests and talents,” he said.

Similarly, Chairperson of the Student Choir (PSM), Mariola Ligattanti Titipani, added that this activity made the opening of registration for each UKM more conducive and visible to new students.

The event, which lasted until late afternoon, also collaborated with the South Tangerang Health Office and several local health centers to provide free health check services for the general public. With various activities offered, Kampung UKM 2024 is expected to be a gateway for new students to develop their potential while studying at UIN Jakarta.

(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Adib Taufiqur'Rachman)

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