The Ministry of Religious Affairs Appoints Head of AUK Bureau and 13 Employees to Functional Positions

The Ministry of Religious Affairs Appoints Head of AUK Bureau and 13 Employees to Functional Positions

Central Administration Building, UIN News Online - The Ministry of Religious Affairs officially inaugurated the Head of General Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta, Drs. H. Teguh Sarwono, M.Si. and 13 employees with various functional positions. The inauguration was held online and followed together on the 2nd floor of the Integrated Administration Center Building, Tuesday (10/9/2024).

Based on Attachment Letter Number B - 6301/B.I/HM.01.6/09/2024, the 13 employees with various functional positions are Rudy Santoso, S.E., M.Si., Sholehudin, S.Ag., M.A., Rosyanti Yosi, S.E, Fajar Risyanto, S.Pd.I, Dimas Putro Bintang Sajiwo, Rahmat Hasugian, S.E, Heru Sutrisno, S.E, Haryadi, S.Sos, Imelda, S.Sos, M.M., and Yenny Arini Amalia, S.E., MM. Then, Lili Rosmalia, S.E., Sa'Adah Yuliana Purmanti, S.H.I., and Faiziah El Abbasy, S.E.. 

In his remarks, Karo Teguh expressed his appreciation and congratulations to the employees who had been inaugurated and confirmed their functional positions. According to him, employees who have been inaugurated certainly have strict qualifications so that they must carry out their duties professionally and responsibly. 

“The form of responsibility is to facilitate other people's affairs,” he said. He added that “it is important for employees to apply the Five S's (5S) namely Smile, Greeting, Greeting, Polite, and Courteous.” 

Furthermore, the Head of Bureau invited all AUK employees to synergize and work together in performing well during the mandate. He also advised the newly appointed employees to always straighten their intentions well. 

“As the slogan of the Ministry of Religion, we must be sincere in doing charity. Not doing charity as sincerely as possible,” he said.

Finally, the event was closed by congratulating each other among the employees and continued with a group photo.

Photo Documentation:

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(Aji Pangestu/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi FIrdausi/Foto: Melva Evangelyn, Hermanudin)

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