Studium Generale of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at UIN Jakarta: Beyond the Classroom, Embracing a Boundless Career

Studium Generale of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at UIN Jakarta: Beyond the Classroom, Embracing a Boundless Career

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online - Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta held a Studium Generale entitled From Classroom to Career: Mapping Your Professional Journey at Harun Nasution Auditorium, Tuesday (1/10/2024). 

The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum., CIQnR, teaching staff and all new students of the faculty.  

The activity aims to equip new students to prepare themselves to undergo the lecture period optimally, improve achievements at the national and international levels and design a professional career in the future. 

For this reason, the faculty presented credible and competent resource persons, namely, the Head of the Legal Section, Public Relations and Information Systems, Deputy for Youth Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mustadin Taggala, M. Si., and successful Alumni of Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta Mahbubi, S. Hum. The event was hosted by the Secretary of English Literature Study Program of Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta, M. Agus Suriadi, S. Pd., M. Hum.

In his speech, Dean Ade emphasized the importance of being a successful student both in campus and post-campus life.  To achieve this, according to him, there are at least four important things that students need. 

“Knowing yourself, setting clear targets, utilizing technology and building networks, and adjusting to the needs of the times are important things that must be built from the start,” said the Dean. Today, he continued, we will announce 70 outstanding students from various semesters in order to motivate others.

“In addition to encouraging students to be enthusiastic in achieving achievements, the faculty will also support students to participate in competitions or delegations both at the national and international levels,” he continued. 

In his presentation, Mahbubi, S. Hum said that the Faculty of Adab is unique.  Therefore, students should be proud of their majors and alma mater. Because, Mahbub continued, adab students can become anything and have a career anywhere.  

“If you want to be a teacher, you can.  If you want to be a civil servant, you can. You can even become a comedian like me,” he joked. 

Mustadin Taggala, Head of Legal, Public Relations and Information Systems, Deputy for Youth Development at the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, delivered a presentation titled Borderless Career. The material emphasized that students can build a borderless career starting from college. 

According to him, the career world is a professional world. Therefore, preparation is needed from a long time ago. Today's world situation and challenges are very different from the past, said Mustadin, so what is needed is not only knowledge but also skills. To achieve success, it is not enough to master skills that have been mastered by many people, he continued, we need to differentiate by doing best practice and next practice. 

“In the past, UIN Jakarta competed with UIN Yogyakarta, but now we compete with other state campuses such as UGM and UI,” said Mustadin. 

Mustadin gave tips on designing an unlimited career with the Personal Development Table.  The table contains three columns, namely, time, career targets and strategies in achieving them.  According to him, students must set clear targets, determine the profession they want to pursue, and design the strategies needed to achieve these goals. 

As a closing statement, Mustadin reminded students to always be enthusiastic in undergoing lectures and enjoy every process that runs.  

“Maybe you will be chased by the landlady because of late payments or stressed by the assignments given by lecturers. But, believe me, all these processes will form psychological maturity in welcoming the real world,” Mustadin concluded. 

Finally, the event was closed with a question and answer session, the announcement of 70 outstanding students and enlivened by dance and solo music performances from students. 

Event Documentation:






(Aji Pangestu/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Muhammad Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)

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