Sarah Mutia Widad: Find Yourself Through UKM at UIN Jakarta

Sarah Mutia Widad: Find Yourself Through UKM at UIN Jakarta

Front of Gd. UIN Jakarta, UIN News Online - In the midst of the bustling UKM Village event held in front of the UIN Jakarta Rectorate Building, an alumna named Sarah Mutia Widad shared her inspirational experience to thousands of new students. Sarah, a graduate of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan, Chemistry Education Study Program, shared how her involvement in Student Activity Units (UKM) has changed the direction of her career.

“Campus is like an incubation space or a place for our self-development,” Sarah said enthusiastically. She emphasizes that despite the cliché, the benefits of networking through SMEs are real and valuable. “It's true, we will get to know many acquaintances across faculties from the activities in UKM that I participated in,” she adds.

Sarah, who now works in communications, admits that her current career path has been heavily influenced by her experience in UKM. “I was a chemistry education student, but now I work in communications because of my experience in UKM,” she explains, showing how UKM can open doors to unexpected opportunities.

In her view, UIN Jakarta is not just a place to gain academic knowledge, but also a place to prepare for the world of work. “UIN Jakarta is a place where I learn many things to prepare for the world of work,” she said. Sarah emphasized the importance of student activeness and visibility, “We must be able to jump and be visible on the surface so that people know our potential, and this UKM is a stepping stone for us.”

Sarah's story is clear evidence of how SMEs can be important in students' self-development. Her experience inspires new students not to hesitate to explore various activities outside the classroom, because every experience has the potential to open new paths in their future careers.

Sarah's passionate message was met with enthusiasm by the UKM Village participants. Her story became one of the highlights of the event that aims to introduce various UKM to new students of UIN Jakarta, proving that involvement in campus activities can have a significant impact on one's future.

(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: )

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