Raditya Dika Empowers New Students of UIN Jakarta: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Raditya Dika Empowers New Students of UIN Jakarta: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

UIN Jakarta Field, UIN News Online — During UIN Jakarta's PBAK event, Raditya Dika—an acclaimed writer, comedian, and filmmaker—delivered an inspiring talk, sharing his insights on navigating the challenges of college life and building a successful career.

Dika urged students to make the most of their university years, acknowledging that moments of uncertainty and confusion about the future are inevitable. He believes that such moments are opportunities to discover hidden talents and strengths.

Reflecting on his time at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Indonesia, Dika discussed how he developed critical skills like argumentation, which later proved invaluable in his career. He also highlighted the importance of storytelling, a skill he refined during college and which became the cornerstone of his various creative endeavors.

“When you’re in college, find what you’re good at because it can turn into your future career,” Dika advised, encouraging students to explore their passions and talents.

Dika also stressed the significance of building relationships. According to him, expanding one’s network can open doors to new ideas and opportunities.

In addressing differing viewpoints in academic settings, Dika reminded students that no one has a monopoly on being right. He encouraged an open-minded approach to diverse perspectives.

Acknowledging that everyone faces personal challenges, Dika emphasized the importance of using these obstacles as opportunities for personal growth. “When we encounter limitations, we should view them as a process for self-development,” he added.

Dika’s central message was to shift the perspective from viewing challenges as problems to seeing them as avenues for growth and fulfillment. “We will ultimately achieve what we desire because we’re passionate about what we do,” he concluded.

Raditya Dika’s inspiring words left a lasting impact on the 10.181 new students from various faculties at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, motivating them to turn every challenge into a stepping stone toward success.

Catch the full event on UIN Jakarta’s YouTube channel

(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: M. Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)



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