PBAK 2024 Seminar Urges Students to Lead in Environmental Sustainability

PBAK 2024 Seminar Urges Students to Lead in Environmental Sustainability

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online - The second day of UIN Jakarta's Introduction to PBAK 2024 featured an impactful seminar focused on environmental issues, highlighting the university's commitment to the Green Campus initiative. The event took place on Wednesday (08/28/2024) at the Harun Nasution Auditorium.

The seminar brought together key environmental advocates, including Zenzi Suhadi, National Executive Director of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI), and Khalisah Khalid, Public Engagement & Actions Manager of Greenpeace Indonesia.

Zenzi Suhadi opened the discussion by shedding light on recent alarming climate phenomena in Indonesia. He noted three significant events: a 10-degree Celsius drop in nighttime temperatures on Java Island, the mass death of fish along the west coast of Sumatra due to drastic changes in seawater temperature, and the simultaneous die-off of certain plant species in various regions. "These climate changes are largely a consequence of unchecked development," Zenzi explained.

Khalisah Khalid echoed these concerns, emphasizing the intersection of environmental issues with economic and political policies. She highlighted how decisions in these areas often have far-reaching effects on ecosystems and communities. Khalisah urged universities to play a crucial role in addressing these challenges, noting that students are not only recipients of education but also powerful agents of change with immense potential.

"Universities, as hubs of knowledge, have the unique opportunity to influence positive environmental action. Unfortunately, some academics have contributed to environmental degradation by producing Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) that lack integrity," Zenzi remarked. He emphasized the importance of fostering environmental awareness on campuses, as this awareness can lead to meaningful actions.

Khalisah encouraged the academic community to unite with the public in efforts to safeguard the environment. "As intellectuals, students and faculty alike must join forces with the people to initiate environmental conservation actions," she urged.

The seminar concluded with an engaging Q&A session, where new students from various faculties posed insightful questions, reflecting a growing interest in environmental advocacy among the youth.

To watch the full seminar, visit the link: PBAK 2024 Day 2 Live Stream.

Photo of resource persons:

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(Nala Zakina Zuhaida/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Muhammad Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)

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