Mazhab Ciputat: A Reconstruction

Mazhab Ciputat: A Reconstruction

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By: Study Rizal LK

The Ciputat Mazhab refers to a group of Muslim intellectuals from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, located in Ciputat, Banten. It is known for its moderate, inclusive, and socio-political modernization-oriented approach to Islamic thought.

Harun Nasution and Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) are seen as two key figures in laying the foundation of the Ciputat Mazhab. Both play a significant role in developing moderate and progressive Islamic thought in Indonesia, especially within the State Islamic University (UIN), formerly the State Islamic Institute (IAIN), Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Furthermore, the second generation of key figures from the Ciputat Mazhab, including Fachry Ali, Azyumardi Azra (alm), Komaruddin Hidayat, Bahtiar Effendy (alm), Din Syamsuddin, Iqbal Abdurrauf Saimima (alm), Mansur Faqih (alm), and Hadimulyo (alm), are known for their contributions in developing progressive Islamic thought. They are often involved in interfaith dialog and advocate for the values of democracy, pluralism, and human rights in an Islamic context.

There are also main characteristics of the Ciputat Mazhab, namely: Moderate and Inclusive Approach, Contextualization of Islamic Teachings, Transformation of Islamic Education, and Renewal of Islamic Thought.

1. Moderate and Inclusive Approach

A moderate and inclusive approach is one of the main characteristics of the Ciputat Mazhab, which reflects efforts to make Islamic thought and practice relevant in the diverse social, cultural and political contexts in Indonesia. This is characterized by: (1) Tolerance and Harmony: The Ciputat Mazhab emphasizes the importance of interfaith tolerance. This approach encourages followers to respect differences and seek common ground with adherents of other religions. In the context of plural Indonesia, tolerance is key to creating harmony and harmony in a diverse society.

(2) Interfaith Dialogue: Intellectuals in the Ciputat Mazhab are active in encouraging interfaith dialog as a means to strengthen interfaith relations. They believe that dialog can reduce prejudice and conflict, and enrich interfaith understanding. Through dialog, moderate Islamic thought can be conveyed and accepted in a broader context.

(3) Acceptance of Pluralism: This approach includes acceptance of pluralism, both in religious and cultural contexts. Mazhab Ciputat sees diversity as something natural and positive, thus encouraging its followers to see differences as a wealth to be cherished, not as an obstacle. It also reflects a commitment to universal human values.

(4) Reinterpretation of Islamic teachings: Mazhab Ciputat encourages the reinterpretation of Islamic teachings to suit the times and the existing social context. This means inviting people to read and understand religious texts with a more contextual and critical approach, so that Islamic teachings can be widely accepted and relevant to contemporary challenges.

(5) Involvement in Social Issues: Mazhab Ciputat does not only focus on religious aspects, but also engages in social and political issues. Its intellectuals often provide moderate and constructive views on issues such as human rights, social justice and democracy. They seek to demonstrate that Islamic values are in line with efforts to build a just and civilized society.

(6) Rejecting Extremism and Fundamentalism: One of the main goals of a moderate and inclusive approach is to reject all forms of extremism and fundamentalism in religion. Mazhab Ciputat is committed to presenting a peaceful and loving face of Islam, and rejecting narrow and misleading interpretations.

Thus, the moderate and inclusive approach in Mazhab Ciputat seeks to create space for dialog, tolerance and acceptance of differences in a pluralistic society. By emphasizing the values of tolerance, pluralism, and social engagement, Mazhab Ciputat contributes to the formation of a more harmonious and civilized society, and strengthens the position of Islam as a religion that is rahmatan lil alamin (mercy for all nature).

2. Contextualization of Islamic teachings

Contextualization of Islamic teachings is one of the main features of the Ciputat Mazhab, which reflects the effort to apply Islamic teachings in specific social, cultural, and political contexts, especially in Indonesia. This can be seen in: (1) Adaptation to Social and Cultural Realities: The Ciputat Mazhab attempts to adapt Islamic teachings to the social and cultural realities that exist in Indonesian society. This is done by considering local traditions, cultural values, and pre-existing social practices. The concept of “Islam Nusantara” is one of the concrete forms of this effort, where Islam is interpreted and practiced within the framework of Nusantara culture.

(2) Respecting Cultural Diversity: The contextualization of Islamic teachings in the Ciputat Mazhab appreciates and accepts the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia. Its intellectuals believe that Islam does not have to be homogeneous and can accommodate various forms of cultural expression as long as they remain within the framework of basic Islamic values. This helps to create a face of Islam that is more accommodating to local traditions.

(3) Interaction with Science and Technology: The Ciputat school encourages interaction between Islamic teachings and modern science and technology. They believe that religious understanding should be in line with the development of science, and therefore, Islamic education needs to be integrated with other disciplines. In this way, Islamic teachings can be more relevant and can provide solutions to the challenges facing society today.

(4) Reinterpretation of Religious Texts: Contextualization of Islamic teachings also includes reinterpretation of religious texts to fit the context and needs of the times. Mazhab Ciputat encourages Muslims to understand religious teachings in a more flexible and open way, so as to find appropriate solutions to contemporary problems. This approach seeks to avoid dogmatic and narrow understanding.

(5) Application of Teachings in Daily Life: Thinkers in the Ciputat School emphasize the importance of applying Islamic teachings in daily life, whether in personal, social, or political contexts. They seek to show how Islamic teachings can provide guidance in addressing the various social, economic and political challenges facing modern society.

(6) Criticism of Fundamentalism: The Ciputat School, through contextualizing its teachings, rejects fundamentalist interpretations that assume that Islam must be applied in a rigid and literal manner. They argue that the understanding and practice of Islam must take into account the local context, history and social dynamics. This is important to create a more peaceful and inclusive understanding.

Thus, the contextualization of Islamic teachings in the Ciputat Mazhab is an effort to make Islam relevant and adaptive to the Indonesian social and cultural context. By respecting cultural diversity, interacting with science, and reinterpreting religious texts, Mazhab Ciputat contributes to creating an inclusive, moderate, and community-oriented face of Islam. This approach is expected to help Muslims to better face the challenges of the times, while maintaining the integrity of religious teachings.

3. Transformation of Islamic Education

The transformation of Islamic education is one of the main features of the Ciputat Mazhab that emphasizes the importance of reform in the education system to make it more relevant to the needs of society and the times. This can be from several concepts, namely (1) Integration of Religious and General Sciences: Ciputat Mazhab seeks to integrate religious science with general science in the educational curriculum. This means that in addition to studying Islamic sciences, students are also taught other disciplines such as science, social, and humanities. With this approach, Islamic education becomes more comprehensive and able to provide broader insights to students.

(2) Responsive Curriculum Development: The intellectuals in the Ciputat Mazhab encourage the development of an Islamic education curriculum that is responsive to social dynamics and community needs. This curriculum is designed to be able to answer the challenges of the times, such as social, economic and environmental issues. Thus, education does not only focus on theological aspects, but also on practical issues faced by society.

(3) Innovative Teaching Methods: Mazhab Ciputat also strives to implement more innovative and interactive teaching methods. This approach includes the use of technology in education, project-based learning, and group discussions. In this way, students are expected to be actively involved in the learning process, think critically, and develop the skills needed in the world of work.

(4) Value-based Education: The transformation of Islamic education at Mazhab Ciputat focuses not only on knowledge transfer, but also on character development and moral values. Education is expected to form individuals who are not only intellectually intelligent, but also have integrity, empathy and social responsibility. This is in line with the vision of Islam which emphasizes the importance of morals and ethics.

(5) Flexibility and Adaptability: Islamic education in the context of Mazhab Ciputat is expected to have flexibility and adaptability to change. This means that the education system must be able to adapt to the times and the needs of the job market. Educators are encouraged to continuously update their knowledge and skills in order to provide relevant and quality education.

(6) Increased access and equity: Mazhab Ciputat also emphasizes the importance of increased access and equity in Islamic education. They are committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all levels of society, regardless of social, economic or cultural backgrounds. This aims to empower the community and reduce disparities in education.

Thus, the transformation of Islamic education in Mazhab Ciputat is an effort to create an education system that is more inclusive, relevant and adaptive to the needs of the times. By integrating religious and general sciences, developing a responsive curriculum, applying innovative teaching methods, and focusing on character values, Mazhab Ciputat contributes to the development of individuals who are not only intellectually intelligent, but also have moral integrity and social responsibility. This approach is expected to help Muslims better face the challenges of the times and contribute to the progress of society as a whole.

4. Renewal of Islamic Thought

The renewal of Islamic thought is one of the main features of the Ciputat Mazhab, which reflects a commitment to developing and reinterpreting Islamic teachings to fit the context of the times and the needs of society. This can be seen from the following characteristics, namely: (1) Reinterpretation of Religious Texts: Ciputat Mazhab encourages the reinterpretation of religious texts, both the Qur'an and Hadith, to understand their historical and social contexts. Thinkers in the Ciputat School argue that a rigid and literal understanding of sacred texts can hinder the development of Islamic thought and practice. With a more contextual approach, Islamic teachings can be applied in a variety of modern situations.

(2) Facing the Challenges of the Times: The renewal of Islamic thought in the Ciputat Mazhab aims to face the challenges of the times, such as globalization, technological advancement, and social change. Ciputat School intellectuals seek to find Islamic solutions to contemporary issues, such as human rights, social justice, and pluralism. This creates space for thinking that is responsive and relevant to the dynamics of society.

(3) Openness to Discussion and Debate: This characteristic includes an attitude of openness to discussion and debate among Muslim intellectuals. It encourages dialogue between different schools of thought and opinions within Islam. In this way, Islamic thought can continue to develop and adapt to various perspectives, resulting in a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding.

(4) Using the Scientific Method: The Ciputat School emphasizes the importance of using scientific methods in the study of Islam. Its intellectuals encourage studies based on research, critical analysis and empirical evidence. In this way, Islamic thought can develop based on reliable data and facts, and not rely solely on tradition or authority.

(5) Blending Tradition and Modernity: The renewal of Islamic thought in the Ciputat Mazhab aims to combine the values of tradition with the demands of modernity. This means that Islamic thought does not have to be abandoned, but also cannot be trapped in old ways. Mazhab Ciputat encourages people to find a balance between maintaining tradition and adapting new thoughts that are in accordance with the times.

(6) Increased Social Awareness: Ciputat School intellectuals strive to raise social awareness among Muslims. They encourage an understanding that Islam is not only about personal rituals, but also about social justice, responsibility towards others, and an active role in society. In this way, Islamic thought becomes more relevant and applicable in everyday life.

(7) Rejecting Extremism and Fundamentalism: The renewal of Islamic thought in Mazhab Ciputat also seeks to reject extremism and fundamentalism. They advocate moderate and inclusive thinking, and emphasize the importance of dialogue and tolerance. This approach aims to create a peaceful and constructive face of Islam in a plural society.

Thus, the renewal of Islamic thought in the Ciputat Mazhab is an effort to develop a more relevant, responsive and inclusive understanding and practice of Islam. By reinterpreting religious texts, using scientific methods, and combining tradition with modernity, the Ciputat School contributes to the formation of progressive Islamic thought. This is expected to help Muslims face the challenges of the times better and contribute to the progress of society as a whole.

From all of this, it can be seen that Mazhab Ciputat is an intellectual movement that seeks to present a moderate and inclusive face of Islam in Indonesia. With a focus on education, contextualization, and renewal of thought, Mazhab Ciputat contributes to the development of Islamic thought that is relevant to the challenges of the times, as well as strengthening intercultural and interfaith dialogue.

(Study Rizal LK is a Permanent Lecturer at Fdikom UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)