Malaysian Embassy Strengthens Cooperation with UIN Jakarta

Malaysian Embassy Strengthens Cooperation with UIN Jakarta

Main Courtroom, UIN News Online - The Malaysian Embassy made a visit as a step to strengthen academic cooperation with UIN Jakarta on Thursday (15/08/2024). The visit was welcomed by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D. and attended by Dr. Hasnul Faizal bin Hushin Amri as Minister of Advisory (Education), Religious Attache Ustadz Shamsuri bin Ghazali, and Riska Pramita as Promotor Executive of the Malaysian Embassy Jakarta.

In the meeting that took place in the main courtroom of UIN Jakarta, Rector of UIN Jakarta expressed hope that this visit can strengthen and improve the quality of cooperation in education and research. He emphasized the importance of international cooperation to improve the quality of education and strengthen relations between Malaysia and Indonesia.

“UIN Jakarta is one of the leading educational institutions in Indonesia with a good academic reputation. We hope that this cooperation can cover various areas, including student and staff exchanges, joint research programs, and also include cultural activities that can enrich the academic experience on both sides,” said Prof. Asep.

The Rector of UIN Jakarta welcomed the initiative and expressed his commitment to establish a productive relationship with the Malaysian Embassy. “We are very pleased with this visit and believe that this cooperation will bring benefits and produce good results for both parties. UIN Jakarta is always open to opportunities in improving the quality of education and strengthening relations between countries,” said Prof. Asep.

The meeting was followed by discussions on various potential areas for cooperation, including curriculum development, cross-country research, and scholarship programs offered for UIN Jakarta students and lecturers.

Dr. Hasnul Faizal bin Hushin Amri as Minister Advisor (Education) of the Malaysian Embassy to Indonesia also explained that the presence of Indonesian students in Malaysia is almost 11,000 students, while Malaysian students in Indonesia are only about 1,100 students.

“Cooperative relations between Malaysia and Indonesia have been established in various fields, namely economic, political and socio-cultural cooperation. But it would be nice to also develop collaboration in the field of educational technology,” he explained.

Dr. Hasnul Faizal Hushin Amri hopes that this collaboration opportunity can be developed for lecturers, students, academic fields, and alumni. In addition, Executive Promoter, Riska Pramita also explained a number of scholarship programs offered for students who want to continue their education to S2 and S3 levels.

“The education program that we implement aims to provide opportunities for all groups to enjoy quality education,” said Riska.

In closing, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D. and Minister of Advisors (Education) Dr. Hasnul Faizal bin Hushin Amri exchanged souvenirs as a symbol of the commitment of both parties to strengthen cooperation relations in the future. This visit is expected to be the beginning of a series of fruitful and productive collaborations between the Malaysian Embassy and UIN Jakarta.

(Lisnawati/Dzikri R. Ramadhan)


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