LP2M Holds Exhibition, Prof. Amelia Fauzia: Spread the Works of UIN Jakarta’s Academic Community to the World

LP2M Holds Exhibition, Prof. Amelia Fauzia: Spread the Works of UIN Jakarta’s Academic Community to the World

Student Center, UIN News Online - A cheerful aura radiates from the face of the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Prof. Amelia Fauzia Ph.D. when opening an exhibition of works entitled Interdisciplinary Relationships of Innovation and Ideas for the Future at the Student Center Field, Monday (9/9/2024).

The professor of Indonesian Islamic History said the exhibition was a medium to explore creations and innovations. “We will spread all the works and discoveries of UIN Jakarta academicians to the world,” he said.

This event is the first initiative initiated by LP2M and Fatahillah Researchers for Science and Humanity (FRESH) UIN Jakarta. The purpose of the activity is to introduce various works that have been published by UIN Jakarta academics from the study program, faculty and university levels. In addition, it is also an effort to cultivate research and innovation among students. 

This exhibition not only displays the works of lecturers but also the works and discoveries of students from various faculties. Starting from books, journals and other interesting innovations. 

One of the items displayed in this exhibition is a robotic clamp named Robby made by students from the Faculty of Science and Technology. Not only that, students from the Physics Department also displayed a Smart Irrigation System with Fuzzy Algorithm robot. 

In addition, this event was also enlivened by UIN Jakarta Student Activity Units (UKM). Various UKMs are displayed to encourage students to be actively involved in intra-campus activities.

“College is not just sitting sweetly in class, but beyond the classroom,” said Prof. Amel.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi, S.Ag., S.H., M.H., M.A., said this work exhibition is part of academic performance. “The academic performance of a campus is measured by research, publication and innovation,” said Prof. Tholabi. 

He continued, the more campus people who publish scientific works, research or journals, the more recognized the campus will be globally. “UIN Jakarta is the 120th best university in the world”. “In Indonesia, UIN Jakarta is ranked 2nd above Gadjah Mada University and below the University of Indonesia”.

Finally, in his speech, Prof. Tholabi said research publications and innovations greatly affect the reputation of a university. “UIN Jakarta encourages the academic community to continue to conduct quality research and research,” concluded Prof. Tholabi.

Activity Documentation:

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(Aji Pangestu/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi FIrdausi/Photo: Dwi Aryo Penangsang, Hermanudin)

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