Launching Scholarship, Indonesian Internet Domain Name Managers Ready to Support UIN Jakarta Students

Launching Scholarship, Indonesian Internet Domain Name Managers Ready to Support UIN Jakarta Students

Ciputat, UIN News Online— Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia or Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager (PANDI) is committed to supporting students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta through a scholarship programme that they launched. Support in the form of study scholarships for students is part of PANDI's commitment in developing education in the country.

This was conveyed by the board of PANDI in launching the PANDI education scholarship programme in Ciputat, Monday (2/9/2024). The scholarship launch itself was carried out by a number of PANDI figures, entrepreneurs, academics.

Some of them are John Sihar Simanjuntak (Chairman of the PANDI Executive Board), Jimmy Kadir (Director of PT Moratelindo), Sylvia W Sumarlin (Chief Executive Officer of PT Xirka Dama Persada), Ir. Soegiharto Santoso SH (Chairman of the Indonesian National ICT Entrepreneurs Association / APTIKNAS).

Others are Slamet Aji Pamungkas (Deputy for Cyber Security and Economic Coding at BSSN), and Yudho Giri Sucahyo (Professor at UI). The Dean of UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Science and Technology, Husni Teja Sukmana Ph.D. also attended the event.

In his speech, John Sihar Simanjuntak revealed that the launch of the scholarship programme was part of PANDI's 18th anniversary celebration. ‘This also emphasises one of PANDI's commitments in supporting education in Indonesia,’ he said.

On the same occasion, PANDI leaders symbolically handed over scholarships to students of Universitas Indonesia (UI), UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and TELKOM University. The scholarship for UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was handed over directly to Dean Husni Teja Sukmana, Ph.D.

In his speech, John Sihar Simanjuntak hoped that the scholarships would help students to complete their education with more focus and motivation. In addition, PANDI hopes that this scholarship programme will be the first step for further collaboration with various educational institutions in creating excellent human resources in the field of information and communication technology.

The release received by UIN News Online, this scholarship is specifically intended for students of Informatics Engineering and Information Systems in each university. This cannot be separated from PANDI's main concern in the world of technology.

In his speech, Dean Husni Teja Sukmana expressed his gratitude for PANDI's attention and support for the development of higher education in Indonesia, especially in the field of information technology. ‘This scholarship is very meaningful for our students, especially in supporting them to continue to excel and develop their abilities in this very dynamic field,’ he said. (UM/ZM)

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