Introducing Higher Education: Students of Pesantren Putri Muslimah Sejati are Excited to Visit UIN Jakarta

Introducing Higher Education: Students of Pesantren Putri Muslimah Sejati are Excited to Visit UIN Jakarta

Diorama Room, UIN News Online - During the Education Visit, UIN Jakarta welcomed the arrival of students from Islamic Boarding School for Women Putri Muslimah Sejati. This visit was also attended by 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students as well as their principal and teachers on Wednesday (22/01/2025 ). 

The principal of Putri Muslimah Sejati Islamic Boarding School, Ustazah Resti expressed her gratitude for UIN Jakarta's reception. She hopes that in this visit, her students can obtain information and become enthusiast to continue their studies at UIN Jakarta.

“We are very grateful for the warm welcome given by the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta. Hopefully with this visit, the students will be well informed to choose a study program according to their respective interests,” he said.

Furthermore, Representative of UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center, Taufan Maulana Firdaus S.Pd sent his remarks. He said that UIN Jakarta is an Islamic state university that embeds Islamic values with various high quality study programs. 

“UIN Jakarta is a suitable campus to provide Islamic knowledge. It ensures that religious values will be maintained throughout study programs for students or graduates of UIN Jakarta,” he said. 

The academic information was also presented by Public Relations Analyst, Lisnawati S.I.Kom. It is about the entrance path, tuition fees and scholarships that can be followed by UIN Jakarta students. 

In addition, UIN Jakarta opens five entry pathways, including SNBP (Achievement-Based National Selection), SNBT (Test-Based National Selection), SPAN-PTKIN, UM-PTKIN, and SPMB Mandiri. 

Therefore, the tuition fee or UKT (Single Tuition Fee) at UIN Jakarta is divided into seven groups. However, Lisnawati explained that students will face the process of determining the UKT group. It is fairly adjusted to the financial capabilities of each student. 

“The process that must be done is the collection of documents such as family certificates, vehicle registration, parents' salary slips, land and property tax certificates, and so on,” she explained.

UIN Jakarta also provides various types of scholarships to ease the cost of tuition, namely: BLU (Public Service Agency) Scholarship, KIP-K (Indonesia Smart Card - for College Students), KJMU (Jakarta Student Superior Card), KSE (Karya Salemba Empat), GenBI (Generasi Baru Indonesia) and others. 

The enthusiasm of the students is very visible during the event and actively asking questions. This visit is expected to help the students to envision their education wisely. 

For information, UIN Jakarta is opening registration paths for prospective new students, following the registration schedule:

SNBP: February 04-18, 2025. Further information can be accessed on the page
SPAN-PTKIN: February 01 - March 06, 2025. Further information can be accessed on the page 
SNBT: March 11-27, 2025. Further information can be accessed on the page
UM-PTKIN: April 22 - May 28, 2025. Further information can be accessed on the page 
SPMB Mandiri: April 01 - July 02, 2025. Further information can be accessed on the page 

(Sabila Weliza/Aida Adha S./Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: Muhammad Ghifari)

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