International Colloquium of the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta Encourages Strengthening the Role of Religious Peacemakers

International Colloquium of the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta Encourages Strengthening the Role of Religious Peacemakers

Syahida Inn, UIN News Online — International colloquium of Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, encourages the need to strengthen the role of religion as a peacemaker. The ongoing escalation of war conflicts in various regions underlies the need to strengthen the role of religion as an actor in the peaceful life of society.

This is the main thread of the international colloquium of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, at Syahida Inn Building, Tuesday (10/9/2024). The colloquium entitled Diplomacy of the Divine: Religion's Role in International Peace facilitated professors, academics, theologians and researchers from various institutions.

Some of the speakers included Professor Hossein Mottaghi (al-Mustafa International University), Professor Volker Stümke (Universität Rostock), Dr. Arifah Rahmawati (Gadjah Mada University), Professor M. Amin Nurdin (Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). Syed Taha Anwar (Canadian Muslim Ahmadi Community), Dr. Benedict Bussmann (Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, Germany) and others.

“We facilitated more than 20 professors, academics, theologians and researchers from various institutions such as Universität Rostock, the Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Gadjah Mada University, the Canadian Muslim Ahmadi Community, al-Mustafa International University, and the German Academic Exchange Institute or Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), to share research results, exchange ideas and discoveries about the mutual influence between religion and peace,” said Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin Prof. Drs. Ismatu Ropi M.A, Ph.D. The colloquium was held in Jakarta.

The meeting of scholars at the colloquium itself, he continued, is expected to produce a common understanding of the importance of strengthening the role of religion as a peacemaker actor in human life. “We want to refresh the role of religion for peace in various regions,” he explained.

Through their respective expertise, he added, the experts involved are expected to contribute their thoughts in promoting world peace. “Academics both from UIN Jakarta and outside can offer various perspectives that support lasting peace through this colloquium,” he added.  

“Therefore, this colloquium is an academic initiative to maximize the various roles of religion to perpetuate peace,” he added.

Religious diversity, said the Professor of Comparative Religion, is unique to various regions, such as Indonesia. In addition to being a social capital, religious diversity is often a challenge with the presence of forms of religious intolerance and extremism.

For this reason, activities that bring together scholars and practitioners from various backgrounds can give birth to a global formulation of positioning religion as a contributor to peace and social cohesion. In particular, the focal point of the colloquium itself is expected to encourage interfaith dialogue in the context of strengthening the role of religion in peacebuilding, increasing a common understanding of the relationship between religion and peacebuilding, and minimizing the risks of religious diversity. (Caroline Octavini/Ajie/Ridho/ZM)

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