Inspirational Journey of Island Children, This is the Story of Shulhan Rumaru Alumnus of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta Studying Masters in America

Inspirational Journey of Island Children, This is the Story of Shulhan Rumaru Alumnus of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta Studying Masters in America

Prof Aqib Suminto Theater FDIKOM UIN Jakarta, UIN News Online — In the Da'wah Festival and Anniversary of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Shulhan Rumaru, M.A., appeared as one of the keynote speakers. As an FDIKOM alumni and LPDP scholarship recipient, Shulhan Rumaru, M.A. is a graduate of The George Washington University in the United States with a degree in Communication Management.

Rumaru shared his experiences and motivations that inspired many of the students present. He began his story as a child from a remote island who dreamed big. His journey from a small island to Jakarta, and eventually abroad, became clear evidence that dreams can come true if accompanied by hard work and a strong fighting mentality.

In his presentation, Rumaru emphasized three important aspects in achieving dreams: fighting mentality, fighting friends, and fighting mentors. He cited several famous figures to strengthen his argument. One of them was Leonardo da Vinci, who said that what we fantasize has the potential to become reality. Rumaru also refers to Daniel Goleman's thoughts on the “neurology of the mind”, which states that aspiring is like signaling the universe.

Interestingly, Rumaru not only talks about success, but also about failure. He refers to failure as something “artistic” - a phase that must be passed through on the way to achieving goals. The Latin philosophy “Dum spiro, spero” (while I live, I can still hope) is Rumaru's guide in facing challenges.

Rumaru also emphasizes the importance of having comrades in arms. He believes that sharing a dream scheme with others can increase the probability of success. “Many people want to succeed, but only a few survive the process,” he said, reminding us that success is a collective effort.

Not to forget, Rumaru highlighted the important role of mentors in his journey. He recounted how Prof. Gun Gun Heryanto, currently the Dean of FDIKOM, recommended him to take up a scholarship in the United States when he felt lost.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the students in the Q&A session, it was clear that Rumaru's story managed to touch and motivate many people. The questions asked reflected the positive concerns of students who wanted to follow in Rumaru's footsteps.

Shulhan Rumaru's journey from a small island to becoming an LPDP scholarship recipient and continuing his studies abroad is clear evidence that with strong determination, the right support, and hard work, big dreams can come true. His story is an inspiration for many FDIKOM students who also dream of achieving higher education and bringing positive changes to society.

(Rizkiyah Gustiana Najlullah/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Aryo Dwi Penangsang, Hermanudin)

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