Getting to Know the Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Jakarta Through Campus Visit by Santri Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Iqro Bekasi

Getting to Know the Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Jakarta Through Campus Visit by Santri Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Iqro Bekasi

Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH), UIN News Online - Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Iqro Bekasi held a visit to UIN Jakarta. The visit took place in the Theater Room on the 2nd floor, Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH), Tuesday (20/8/2024). In the visit, the Head of Tahfidz Iqro Islamic Boarding School, Ridwan Mahesa, was accompanied by 10 accompanying teachers and 50 prospective new students aka santri from various levels.

“Our goal is to visit UIN Jakarta in order to visit campus. So that the students open their horizons of thought about the campus and majors. So that psychological, academic maturity will grow which will support their maturity in carrying out post-camp life,” said Head of Pesantren Ridwan Mahesa.

Head of Information and Public Relations Center, Zaenal Muttaqin, M.A warmly welcomed the visit of Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Iqro. He said the decision to visit UIN Jakarta was the right choice for the students. 

“The students from Tahfidz Islamic Boarding School are in line with the Faculty of Sharia and Law. FSH is one of the best faculties in UIN Jakarta,” said Zaenal. 

Zaenal explained that UIN Jakarta has 12 faculties for Undergraduate Programs and one faculty for Postgraduate School. Meanwhile, FSH is one of the faculties that has the most alumni who take part in various sectors.

Zaenal emphasized that students who enter FSH will meet with many experts and legal experts. “UIN Jakarta is one of the PTKINs that has the most professors. Almost 150 professors were born from here,” said Zaenal.

Next, remarks from the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FSH, Dr. Mesraini, M.Ag. He explained that FSH has six study programs (study programs) and the average study program has superior accreditation.

“The six study programs are Comparative Mazhab, Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhsiyyah), Constitutional Law (Siyasah), Sharia Economic Law (Muamalat) and Legal Science,” explained Dr. Mesraini.

She revealed that tahfidz Iqro students are very suitable to enter FSH. Because one of the study programs has a memorization strengthening program. 

“In the Mazhab Comparison department has a special program, where students will get a bonus of strengthening memorization as much as five juz which will be listened to directly by asatidz-asatidzah in FSH,” he said.

In addition, there were also three Heads of Study Programs who accompanied the activity. They are the Head of the Comparative Mazhab Study Program, Siti Hanna, M.A., Head of the Constitutional Law Study Program, Sri Hidayati, M.Ag., and Head of the Islamic Criminal Law Study Program, Qosim Arsadani, M.A..

Each of them socialized their powerful study programs. Including also disclosing the achievements and progress of the alumni in the department.

After that, followed by a brief socialization of UIN Jakarta in general delivered by Public Relations Officer of UIN Jakarta, Taufan Maulana Firdaus, S.Pd. Taufan explained the campus entrance, registration requirements, department information as well as scholarships that can be accessed by the students.

Finally, the event was closed by handing over souvenirs from UIN Jakarta to Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Iqro Bekasi and continued with a group photo.

Activity Documentation:




(Aji Pangestu/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Melva Evangelyn, Hermanudin)

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