Dr. Neng Dara Affiah: Exploring the Tradition of Thought at a Reformist University

Dr. Neng Dara Affiah: Exploring the Tradition of Thought at a Reformist University

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – In a captivating session during the second day of UIN Jakarta’s Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) 2024, Dr. Neng Dara Affiah, a respected lecturer from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, delved into the rich intellectual history of UIN Jakarta. The event took place at the Harun Nasution Auditorium on Wednesday (08/28/2024), where Dr. Neng shared the university's transformative journey and the powerful tradition of thought that has shaped generations of scholars and leaders.

Neng began by tracing the origins of UIN Jakarta, formerly known as Akademi Dinas Ilmu Agama (ADIA), founded in 1957. She passionately recounted how the institution evolved, particularly under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Harun Nasution, who played a pivotal role in renaming the institution to the State Islamic Institute (IAIN). “The year 2002 marked a significant milestone when UIN Jakarta emerged as a new entity under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, symbolizing a deeper commitment to excellence in higher education,” she explained.

She emphasized the profound impact of Harun Nasution’s leadership, which laid the foundation for UIN Jakarta’s intellectual legacy. With his doctoral studies completed at McGill University in Canada, Harun Nasution returned to Indonesia and became a transformative figure at IAIN Jakarta. His scholarly works, including Islam Viewed from Various Aspects and Reason and Revelation in Islam, became essential references that shaped Islamic studies across the nation.

Neng highlighted how Nasution’s influence extended beyond the curriculum, inspiring a generation of thinkers like Azyumardi Azra, Fachry Ali, Komaruddin Hidayat, and Nurcholish Madjid. These intellectuals, nurtured by Nasution’s teachings, went on to contribute significantly to the advancement of Islamic thought in Indonesia.

“The legacy of this tradition of thought does not end with one generation,” Dr. Neng continued. She described how the intellectual spirit of Ciputat, the area where UIN Jakarta is located, continued to thrive, producing influential figures like Saiful Mujani, Ihsan Ali Fauzi, and Neng Dara Affiah herself in the 1970s. This intellectual vigor extended into the 1980s and 1990s, with names like Ray Rangkuti, Nong Darol Mahmada, and Burhanuddin Muhtadi becoming icons of their time.

Ciputat, Neng noted, became an intellectual oasis where critical thinking and vibrant forum discussions flourished. Study groups like the Ciputat Student Forum (FORMACI) and extra-campus organizations such as HMI and PMII played crucial roles in shaping the dynamic academic life at UIN Jakarta. “The intellectual climate in Ciputat was further enriched by the activities of mass student organizations, which fostered a deep engagement with scholarly pursuits and societal change,” she added.

Reflecting on the post-New Order era, Neng described how Ciputat became a hub for the revival of the student movement, with various organizations merging scholarly inquiry with a passion for reform. This period witnessed the emergence of movement organizations like Forum Kota (FORKOT) and the Student Action Front for Reform and Democracy (FAMRED), contributing to a vibrant atmosphere of intellectual and social activism.

Dr. Neng concluded her talk with advice for the new students, emphasizing the importance of balancing academic endeavors with participation in student organizations. “Join any organization, but be mindful of not fostering animosity towards others,” she urged. She also reassured students about their future, emphasizing that hard work and networking during college would naturally lead to opportunities. “I almost never had to search for a job; opportunities came to me,” she remarked, highlighting the importance of building relationships and staying dedicated to one’s studies.

Watch the live streaming of PBAK 2024 UIN Jakarta day 2 on the following YouTube.

(Aji Pangestu/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: M. Fahri Afrizal, Melva Evangelyn, Hermanudin)

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