Dean of FISIP Confident in the Excellence of FISIP UIN Jakarta

Dean of FISIP Confident in the Excellence of FISIP UIN Jakarta

Bahtiar Effendy Auditorium, UIN News Online — The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah, M.Si., M.A., delivered a welcoming speech to students from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Ogan Komering Ilir (MAN IC OKI) during their visit to FISIP on Monday, July 29, 2024.

Dzuriyatun introduced FISIP UIN Jakarta as a high-quality faculty and one of the most outstanding at UIN Jakarta.

"In terms of quality development, we have the integrity that I believe has made FISIP one of the most excellent faculties at UIN Jakarta," she said.

She also attributed one of FISIP's strengths to the highly motivated students who strive for excellence, as evidenced by the number of students participating in student exchange programs, most of whom are from FISIP.

"Alhamdulillah, last year, 9 out of 30 UIN Jakarta students who received MOSMA scholarships to study abroad were from FISIP," she noted.

Dzuriyatun also highlighted another factor contributing to FISIP UIN Jakarta's excellence: the faculty's lecturers, many of whom graduated from prestigious international universities. This background has made FISIP's teaching staff more open-minded and globally aware.

"Most of FISIP's lecturers are graduates of foreign universities, which is above average compared to other faculties," she explained.

Dzuriyatun encouraged the visiting students to prepare themselves well to enter their desired universities. She also expressed her hope that some of these students would join FISIP UIN Jakarta in the future.

"Please prepare yourselves as best as you can. Hopefully, we will meet again next year at FISIP UIN Jakarta," she concluded. (Nadhira Rahmah/Fauziah M./Raihan Lail Ramadhan)

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