Commemorating the 64th Farmers' Day, Agribusiness Study Program FST UIN Jakarta Holds National Seminar on Utilization of Local Resources

Commemorating the 64th Farmers' Day, Agribusiness Study Program FST UIN Jakarta Holds National Seminar on Utilization of Local Resources

Bahtiar Effendy Auditorium, UIN News Online - Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta successfully held a national seminar in commemoration of the 64th Farmers' Day which falls on September 24, 2024. This seminar carries the theme “Utilization of Local Resources in Encouraging Indonesia's Agricultural Economic Growth” on Friday (27/9/2024) and became the highlight of the commemoration of Farmers' Day as well as the announcement of competition winners.

Head of the Agribusiness Study Program, Rizki Adi Puspita Sari, M.M., in her speech expressed the hope that this seminar would have a positive impact on the agricultural economy through the utilization of local resources. The Vice Dean for Student Affairs of FST, Khodijah Hulliyah, M.Si., Ph.D., in her speech emphasized the importance of students' contribution to agriculture. “Hopefully, by attending this seminar, you will bring home provisions that can be implemented as our contribution to Indonesia,” she hoped.

The same thing was conveyed by the Deputy Dean for General Administration, Prof. Dr. Ambran Hartono, S.Si., M.Si. According to him, this theme is very fundamental, especially since we are an agrarian country, which also symbolically opened the event.

Then, the event was continued by exposure to speakers. The first speaker was Deputy President Director of PT Food Station, Gunarso Employee. He explained that Food Station has contributed to utilizing the potential of rice production by supporting and fostering farmers and farmer groups to increase the absorption of local products.

The second speaker came from the South Tangerang Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Office, Ir. Yepi Suherman. According to him, agricultural resources are decreasing, “this is because the current generation prefers to work in the service sector,” he added.

Next, Deputy Director of Academic and Cooperation, Dr. Yeni Suryanti, S. Pt. M.Si., in her session she explained the problem that agriculture is something that is less attractive to millennials because of the assumption that farmers are dirty dirt and small income. “The solution to this problem is that we can encourage young people to enter the world of agriculture by developing agricultural clusters that are tailored to the psyche of millennials,” she said.

Finally, the presentation of material by the Professor of the Agribusiness Study Program, Prof. Ujang Maman, S.S, M.Si., regarding the decline in agricultural land in Indonesia and the crisis of young farmers in the next 30 years is a very serious issue. “This is positively related to creative economic actors in the agricultural sector,” he explained.

The event was lively, ended with the announcement of competition winners and a group photo session, and it is hoped that more young people will be interested in agriculture and local potential.

(Shely Nurloka/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: M. Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)

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