Announcement of the 2024 Recruitment for National Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors

Announcement of the 2024 Recruitment for National Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors

Dear Sir.

  1. Heads of State / Private Universities
    Head of LLDikti Region I d XVII
    Journal Managers throughout Indonesia

Scientific journals need to be monitored regularly and rigorously assessed through certain aspects of the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) system. The accreditation ranking of the results of the national scientific journal accreditation assessment is presented on the Science and Technology Index (SINTA) Portal. Publishers of scientific journals must be able to maintain and improve the quality of their publications. Thus, scientific journals can be useful and contribute significantly to the development of science and as a vehicle for scientific communication between researchers, academics, and the user community to achieve scientific development goals and development needs in Indonesia. Therefore, to improve the performance of monitoring and assessing scientific journals effectively in the current era of information technology, it is necessary to adjust the current scientific journal accreditation guidelines. With the enactment of the latest adjusted journal accreditation guidelines, recruitment of National Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors is required.

In connection with the implementation of the latest National Scientific Journal Accreditation guidelines and in accordance with the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation Number 9 of 2018 that journal accreditation is carried out by an Accreditation Team assisted by Assessors to carry out scientific journal accreditation, it is necessary to support sufficient and professional National Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors. Therefore, Kemdikbudristek needs to re-recruit and select National Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors for the next term.

The requirements for National Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors are as follows

National Scientific Journal Accreditation Substance Assessor:

  1. Have a minimum educational background of Doctor (S3);
  2. Registered in Sinta;
  3. Have an H-index on Scopus;
  4. Have a track record of publication in accredited journals of at least rank 2 and/or international reputation as first author and/or correspondent author and/or main contributor with a minimum of 3 scientific articles in the last 3 years;
  5. Have experience as a reviewer in accredited journals of at least rank 3 and/or internationally reputable by reviewing at least 3 scientific articles in the last 3 years;
  6. Active as a Board of Editors (not a Bestary Partner/Reviewer) in an accredited journal of at least rank 2 and/or internationally reputable;
  7. Obtain written permission from the leadership in the institution, at least the head of the faculty or head of the institution equivalent to echelon 2; and
  8. Make a statement of commitment as assessor

National Scientific Journal Accreditation Management Assessor:

  1. Active as a Journal Manager who understands the management of electronic journals at least accredited rank 2;
  2. Mastering technical support tools for journal management;
  3. Obtain written permission from the leadership in their institution, at least the head of the faculty or head of the institution equivalent to echelon 2; and
  4. Make a statement of commitment as an assessor

Registration of Candidates for Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors will be opened on September 1 to 14, 2024 and forms and guidelines for Registration of Scientific Journal Accreditation Assessors in 2024 can be accessed at

Thus this notice is delivered, for your attention and good cooperation, we thank you.


Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology